The video essay Consumer-off-the-shelf Drones by visual artist Francis Hunger investigates the use of civilian drones as a means of war and propaganda in the current conflict in Ukraine. It is no longer only very expensive military equipment that is being used, but cheap consumer drones that were originally developed for YouTubers, influencers and documentary… Continue reading Consumer Off-the-shelf Drones (2024)
Category: projects
Artificial Intelligence Cheat Sheet (2023)
A graphical overview of the current state of critical AI discussion, nodding to Kate Crawford’s and Vladan Joler’s Atlas of AI. Work in Progress.
The data proxy (2021)
A Fictional Vlog Drama The data proxy, played by Francis Hunger, is a consultant by profession living in a fictional alternative present. Humans are expected to participate in the data production system by creating a minimum monthly amount of data. The data authority, a government agency, regulates the data market. It watches over the data… Continue reading The data proxy (2021)
Statistical Hypagognia (2021)
Single-channel video, sound, 12:26 min. Based on research into statistics and legislation of the GDR from the 1960s to the 1980s, Statistical Hypnagogy discusses the importance of statistics for economic planning and electronic data processing. In the GDR, almost all procedures, institutions, and legal frameworks were based on statistical data. The legislation also established the… Continue reading Statistical Hypagognia (2021)
This is the sentence (2020)
single channel HD video, 16:13 min Francis Hunger’s video “This is the sentence” (2020) deals with the current development of artificial actors such as the voice assistants from Amazon and Apple. In front of a reddish billowing background, individual words are displayed. In the minds of readers, they are joined into sentences. A dialogue arises… Continue reading This is the sentence (2020) (2020)
web app, python, pytorch, wordpress, 2020 (in cooperation with Flupke) is an easy-to-use webapp for altering image material, in order to make it machine-unreadable.o is an easy-to-use webapp for altering image material, in order to make it machine-unreadable. Through introducing perturbance, seeks to question and subvert automated image recognition. For each uploaded image… Continue reading (2020)
Video: Artist Talk at School of Visual Arts (NYC, 2019)
School of Visual Arts MFA Fine Arts presents a talk by Francis Hunger (1976, Dessau), an artist who lives and works in Leipzig, Germany. In his practice, Hunger combines artistic and media-theoretic research with the capabilities of narration through installations, radio plays and performances, and internet-based art. His works realize a critical examination of the… Continue reading Video: Artist Talk at School of Visual Arts (NYC, 2019)
TLONM 2019 (html, css, jQuery) online at: The miniature piece alludes to the 2001 book The Language of New Media by Lev Manovich, where he described New Media as being shaped through numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability and cultural transcoding. Hunger takes the books’ title literally and transfers it to the present. What does… Continue reading TLONM 2019
Databody (2018)
single channel video, 11:32 min, HD, 2018 On the backdrop of two visits to St. Petersburg/Russia after a period of 20 years the author explores, how his body was transformed to a data body, constantly producing and accessing data. With the help of Google Maps and Youtube he visits and revisits places in the city.… Continue reading Databody (2018)
Utopia Generator (2015)
The installation Utopia Generator consists of a diamond-shaped, reflective object, hung from the ceiling, that spins slowly. About 20 slide projectors throw names of actual utopian communities, which existed in North America during 1860 to 1920, onto the object, and the generator reflects them back into the room. Christians, utopian socialists, Fourierists, Hutterites, utopists and… Continue reading Utopia Generator (2015)
Cast Iron, Brass, Steel (2015)
Calculation Machine Mercedes Euklid 21, 32×19×34cm I first encountered it when I was researching the history of early Soviet spaceflight. It is a semi-mechanical calculating machine that uses electricity to operate the mechanical parts. It is made of cast iron, sheet metal and steel. The Mercedes Euclid 21 was manufactured very close to my hometown,… Continue reading Cast Iron, Brass, Steel (2015)
Aerial Prototype (2014)
shortwave transmitter, sound file, colored wooden construction Aerial consists of a shortwave radio station, emitting a spoken number sequence that potentially can be received worldwide – a number station. The message that I’m sending is encoded and potentially waits to be decoded by those who receive it. During the heights of the cold war a… Continue reading Aerial Prototype (2014)
Ezkapizm (2014)
8 Collages, 40×30 cm, Paper, Digital Prints, 2014 This series of collages, featuring brutalist architecture, proposes to add rocket engines below high rise buildings. This enables as many as possible humans to leave the polluted earth in search for a new home to humankind. The work is a comment on silicon valley’s billionaires space travel… Continue reading Ezkapizm (2014)
Deep Love Algorithm (2013)
Francis Hunger’s ongoing research addresses the history and evolution of databases and their intertwinement with the biopolitics of post-Fordism. In Deep Love Algorithm (2013) this examination takes the form of a story of unrequited love. Jan, a journalist on an amazingly well-paid research commission, invites Margret, a writer, to come along on a road trip… Continue reading Deep Love Algorithm (2013)
Welcome to the overproduction crisis (2013)
poster, 59,4 x 42 cm, endless copies, 2013 The poster itself is part of the overproduction (of art, of ideas, of goods) for which no or only under difficulties a market can be found. Therefore it is given away for free. The poster is intended to be distributed as a pop cultural artefact, beautifying shared… Continue reading Welcome to the overproduction crisis (2013)
Video: Inke Arns talking about Francis Hunger & Suzanne Treister
Inke Arns talks about the exhibition History has left the building by Francis Hunger in dialogue with Suzanne Treister’s Hexen 2.0.
Tolpa (2012)
installation / two channel video projection, 22 min / one channel video, 10 min / 3 framed silkscreen prints, 40 × 30 cm, 2012 In his installation Tolpa, Francis Hunger edits and comments on different scenes from films by Dziga Vertov, a historical Soviet film director and contemporary of Sergei Eisenstein. Man with a Movie… Continue reading Tolpa (2012)
The women who never went into space (2012)
installation / radio play (directed and produced by Rafael Bies, Thomas Jähn, Choir: Vocalconsort, Leipzig, directed by Gregor Meyer), 52 min / capsule, wood, 230 cm diameter / 19 framed images, front: black velvet, back: cosmonaut and astronaut portraits, 40 × 30 cm, 2009–2012 Francis Hunger‘s radio play The Woman who never flew… Continue reading The women who never went into space (2012)
Recording the Radio Play: The Woman who never went into Space
Part of the upcoming show at HMKV Dortmund, opening April 20, 2012 is the installation and radio play “The woman who never went into space”, recorded and created in cooperation with Rafael Bies und Thomas Jähn (Radio Mephisto 97.6). The radio play consists of five parts, with each part headed by the Choir of Dead… Continue reading Recording the Radio Play: The Woman who never went into Space
Victory of the Sun (2011)
3 silkscreen prints transferred to digital print, 59,4 × 84,1 cm, 2011 Francis Hunger‘s work Sieg der Sonne (Victory of the Sun) refers to the Russian avant-garde of the early 20th century and quotes symbols from the labour movement. The title is a variation of the Futurist opera Victory over the Sun (1913) of Aleksei… Continue reading Victory of the Sun (2011)
Song for Henry Ford (2011)
performance Song for Henry Ford (excerpt of the 25 min video performance) This looping, repetitive song is a farewell to Fordism, partly nostalgic, partly sarcastic. Background is the understanding that Fordism and Taylorism led to similar social and technological developments in the »Communist« East and Capitalist West. It turns out that the state centered production… Continue reading Song for Henry Ford (2011)
Book: Satellite Border Footprint (2010)
Editorial project by Francis Hunger and Patrick Funk The editorial project deals with geosynchronous satellites positioned above the Equator in circular orbit around the earth. Because their velocity is analogous to the rotational speed of our planet, they always appear to be positioned at a fixed point relative to the rotating earth (and therefore called geostationary satellites). The satellites… Continue reading Book: Satellite Border Footprint (2010)
Choir of dead Space Travellers (2009)
installation The installation is integral part of »The woman who never went into space«, installation (2012). Yves Klein’s blue is full of information, of radio-, TV- and other signals. Malevich’s three-dimensional black contains cosmistic information, Klein’s blue contains information of development. (Dragan Dzivadinov, Interview in: Sputnik Gazette, No. 4, 2007) The images’ deep black front refers… Continue reading Choir of dead Space Travellers (2009)
History Exhaustion (2009)
installation, radio & antenna, sound, artist book with narration, The Entrepreneur, The Worker, The Student (3 video performances), Stray Area (9 digital prints 40x30cm) The frame and background of this installation is a narration: Three protagonists, representing different parts of society – the entrepreneurship, social criticism and unionized labour, set off on an expedition, after… Continue reading History Exhaustion (2009)
Exhaustion Trilogy (2009)
Three video performances. To be shown together with History Exhaustion, or as single screenings. The Entrepreneur (Capitalism must win), 12 min, 2009 The Worker, 4 min, 2009 The Student, 1 min, 2009
The Center (2008)
sound loop and 3-D animationCornelia Friederike Müller & Francis Hunger (2008), endless loop The installation places the viewer directly into the sound layer of New York. One hears the everyday street noise, squeaking car brakes, birds chirping, conversation snippets of fleeting people. On a visual level a endlessly circulating aircraft draws its path around two… Continue reading The Center (2008)
International Sputnik Day (2007)
Installation and collaborative event on Oct. 4, 2007 celebrating the Sputnik launchs’ 50th anniversary. The participants created events in Budapest, Chatillon, Cologne, Copenhagen, Dartington, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Helsinki, Huntsville, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lisabon, Liverpool, Los Angeles, Madrid, New York City, Porto, Riga, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Seattle, Toronto, Wiesbaden Documentation of the collaborative Event at… Continue reading International Sputnik Day (2007)
The Setun Conspiracy (2005)
installation and performance, book publication Setun. An inquiry into the Soviet ternary computer (2008, book) | Order here Regine Debatty about The Setun Conspiracy The SETUN computer was developed in 1958 by Nikolai P. Brusentsov and his team at the Moscow State University. SETUN is based on ternary logic (-1, 0, 1), which distinguishes it completely from… Continue reading The Setun Conspiracy (2005)
Semiology of Cyberspace (2004)
Semiology of Cyberspace is a small program written in the language PERL creates a digital, immaterial sculpture, consisting of a structure of folders and subfolders. Each folder contains four subfolders that include the same structure again. Nowadays browsers are able to depict data in 2-D. In 3-D one may imagine how an absolutely symmetric structure is… Continue reading Semiology of Cyberspace (2004)
Krystalia (2003)
Installation The installation Krystalia tells the story of the US-american hacker Krystalia and her friends
Donna Haraway und Roswitha Scholz haben sich noch nicht getroffen. Sie haben auch noch nicht miteinander über Cyborgs und Wertabspaltung gesprochen. (2002)
poster and text Donna Haraway and Roswitha Scholz haven’t met each other yet, they still haven’t talked about cyborgs and separation of value either. The discussion of Haraways’ (“precarious, female work”) and Scholz’ (“separation of value”) was presented in a paper which was part of the mag Folies III. The poster was advertising the article… Continue reading Donna Haraway und Roswitha Scholz haben sich noch nicht getroffen. Sie haben auch noch nicht miteinander über Cyborgs und Wertabspaltung gesprochen. (2002)
Acoustic.Space.Lab (2001)
At the VIRAC Radiotelescope Observatory near Irbene (Latvia) organized by RIXC, Riga about 30 artists explored the capabilities of the RT-32 dish. I took part in hope to get some real data on real black holes to add to my idea about black holes on the internet (BHOTI). I contributed a text to the Acoustic.Space.Lab… Continue reading Acoustic.Space.Lab (2001)
Derive (2001)
video The 20 minutes video was shot during a one-week lasting permanent nightly walk through Leipzig. It shows quiet spaces, housing areas, industrial ruins and explores the city in a way that refers to a psycho-geography of the city. People where invited to join for a nightly walk later.
f0rwardpunk (1999)
F0RWARDPUNK – How to crash a mailserver. Although this text may give the opposite feeling,F0RWARDPUNK ist not high technology. It is based on the lowest internet-tech You can imagine. It could have been realized ten years ago and is open to future as well. It is fully based on ascii and the e-mail-services. On the… Continue reading f0rwardpunk (1999)