web app, python, pytorch, wordpress, 2020 (in cooperation with Flupke) Adversarial.io is an easy-to-use webapp for altering image material, in order to make it machine-unreadable.o is an easy-to-use webapp for altering image material, in order to make it machine-unreadable. Through introducing perturbance, adversarial.io seeks to question and subvert automated image recognition. For each uploaded image… Continue reading Adversarial.io (2020)
Tag: #AI
Essay: How to Hack Artificial Intelligence (2018)
Full Text at http://databasecultures.irmielin.org/how-to-hack-artificial-intelligence This 2018 essay explores the weaknesses of automated pattern recognition (aka artificial intelligence) and discusses, how artists, scientists and activisits have been able to exploit them, using adversarial patterns. Arguing about human agency in relation to machine agency it discusses a range of adversarial methods: abuse scope change the color altered /… Continue reading Essay: How to Hack Artificial Intelligence (2018)
Interview: Algorithms are made by humans (2017)
Full Text: http://databasecultures.irmielin.org/algorithms-are-made-by-humans/ Francis Hunger presents his video installation Deep Love Algorithm at the recent exhibition »Mood Swings – On Mood Politics, Sentiment Data, Market Sentiments and Other Sentiment Agencies« in Vienna. In conversation with curator Sabine Winkler he discusses, why we should no longer talk fearfully of algorithms.