Calculation Machine Mercedes Euklid 21, 32×19×34cm I first encountered it when I was researching the history of early Soviet spaceflight. It is a semi-mechanical calculating machine that uses electricity to operate the mechanical parts. It is made of cast iron, sheet metal and steel. The Mercedes Euclid 21 was manufactured very close to my hometown,… Continue reading Cast Iron, Brass, Steel (2015)
Tag: #coldwar
Aerial Prototype (2014)
shortwave transmitter, sound file, colored wooden construction Aerial consists of a shortwave radio station, emitting a spoken number sequence that potentially can be received worldwide – a number station. The message that I’m sending is encoded and potentially waits to be decoded by those who receive it. During the heights of the cold war a… Continue reading Aerial Prototype (2014)
The women who never went into space (2012)
installation / radio play (directed and produced by Rafael Bies, Thomas Jähn, Choir: Vocalconsort, Leipzig, directed by Gregor Meyer), 52 min / capsule, wood, 230 cm diameter / 19 framed images, front: black velvet, back: cosmonaut and astronaut portraits, 40 × 30 cm, 2009–2012 Francis Hunger‘s radio play The Woman who never flew… Continue reading The women who never went into space (2012)
History Exhaustion (2009)
installation, radio & antenna, sound, artist book with narration, The Entrepreneur, The Worker, The Student (3 video performances), Stray Area (9 digital prints 40x30cm) The frame and background of this installation is a narration: Three protagonists, representing different parts of society – the entrepreneurship, social criticism and unionized labour, set off on an expedition, after… Continue reading History Exhaustion (2009)
International Sputnik Day (2007)
Installation and collaborative event on Oct. 4, 2007 celebrating the Sputnik launchs’ 50th anniversary. The participants created events in Budapest, Chatillon, Cologne, Copenhagen, Dartington, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Helsinki, Huntsville, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lisabon, Liverpool, Los Angeles, Madrid, New York City, Porto, Riga, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Seattle, Toronto, Wiesbaden Documentation of the collaborative Event at… Continue reading International Sputnik Day (2007)
Acoustic.Space.Lab (2001)
At the VIRAC Radiotelescope Observatory near Irbene (Latvia) organized by RIXC, Riga about 30 artists explored the capabilities of the RT-32 dish. I took part in hope to get some real data on real black holes to add to my idea about black holes on the internet (BHOTI). I contributed a text to the Acoustic.Space.Lab… Continue reading Acoustic.Space.Lab (2001)