Interview: Data resists the five-act form (2019)

An interview by Cristina Cochior & Ruben van de Ven with Francis Hunger on 18 September 2019 published on Plotting Data. As of late 2024 the interview is no longe available at its original website, so I republished it here. C: How did you start researching data systems? In my artistic research and artistic work… Continue reading Interview: Data resists the five-act form (2019)

Essay: Epistemic Harvest – The Electronic Database as Discourse and Means of Data Production (2018)

Full text: The following discussion of computational capital takes the electronic database, an infrastructure for storing in-formation, as vantage point. Following a brief look into how database systems serve in-formation desires, the notion of ‘database as discourse’ by Mark Poster is explored and further developed. Database as discourse establishes a machinic agency, directed towards… Continue reading Essay: Epistemic Harvest – The Electronic Database as Discourse and Means of Data Production (2018)

Interview: Algorithms are made by humans (2017)

Full Text: Francis Hunger presents his video installation Deep Love Algorithm at the recent exhibition »Mood Swings – On Mood Politics, Sentiment Data, Market Sentiments and Other Sentiment Agencies« in Vienna. In conversation with curator Sabine Winkler he discusses, why we should no longer talk fearfully of algorithms.

Book: Search Routines – Tales of Databases (2015)

Databases pervade our everyday life, they are involved in the individual’s most fundamental activities. Through their near invisibility and resistance to narration they produce subtle forms of collective control and normalization, accompanied by keywords such as: mass surveillance, big data, user generated content, etc. The publication »Search Routines: Tales of Databases« enlarges on the topics… Continue reading Book: Search Routines – Tales of Databases (2015)

Deep Love Algorithm (2013)

Deep Love Algorithm, Projection, 2 towers with framed prints, display with print

Francis Hunger’s ongoing research addresses the history and evolution of databases and their intertwinement with the biopolitics of post-Fordism. In Deep Love Algorithm (2013) this examination takes the form of a story of unrequited love. Jan, a journalist on an amazingly well-paid research commission, invites Margret, a writer, to come along on a road trip… Continue reading Deep Love Algorithm (2013)