Calculation Machine Mercedes Euklid 21, 32×19×34cm I first encountered it when I was researching the history of early Soviet spaceflight. It is a semi-mechanical calculating machine that uses electricity to operate the mechanical parts. It is made of cast iron, sheet metal and steel. The Mercedes Euclid 21 was manufactured very close to my hometown,… Continue reading Cast Iron, Brass, Steel (2015)
Tag: #fordism
Book: Setun – An inquiry into the Soviet Ternary Computer. (2008)
Institut für Buchkunst Leipzig, 2007. 200 pages with illustrations, German/ Englisch, ISBN 3-932865-48-0, graphic design by Helmut Voelter, Leipzig | Order here SETUN. An Inquiry to the Soviet Ternary Computer. (Preface and Bibliography) PDF 250 Kb The book compliments my artistic research that also turned into an installation an performance. Contents Preface — 14 FRANCIS HUNGERSETUN’s… Continue reading Book: Setun – An inquiry into the Soviet Ternary Computer. (2008)
Song for Henry Ford (2011)
performance Song for Henry Ford (excerpt of the 25 min video performance) This looping, repetitive song is a farewell to Fordism, partly nostalgic, partly sarcastic. Background is the understanding that Fordism and Taylorism led to similar social and technological developments in the »Communist« East and Capitalist West. It turns out that the state centered production… Continue reading Song for Henry Ford (2011)
International Sputnik Day (2007)
Installation and collaborative event on Oct. 4, 2007 celebrating the Sputnik launchs’ 50th anniversary. The participants created events in Budapest, Chatillon, Cologne, Copenhagen, Dartington, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Helsinki, Huntsville, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lisabon, Liverpool, Los Angeles, Madrid, New York City, Porto, Riga, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Seattle, Toronto, Wiesbaden Documentation of the collaborative Event at… Continue reading International Sputnik Day (2007)