Rosebuds – Hidden Stories of Things (2017/18)

The exhibition Rosebuds – Hidden Stories of Things presents personal objects belonging to international artists and thinkers. Whether sim-card, selfie-stick, highschool yearbook, flight jacket, or block-chain wedding cake: The collection narrates media history in the form of an archive of norms, uses, faded dreams, as well as irreversible transformations of humans and technologies. The leading question is… Continue reading Rosebuds – Hidden Stories of Things (2017/18)

Interview: Algorithms are made by humans (2017)

Full Text: Francis Hunger presents his video installation Deep Love Algorithm at the recent exhibition »Mood Swings – On Mood Politics, Sentiment Data, Market Sentiments and Other Sentiment Agencies« in Vienna. In conversation with curator Sabine Winkler he discusses, why we should no longer talk fearfully of algorithms.